Hey /r/movies, Dale Dickey here. You may know me from Winter's Bone, Iron Man 3, Breaking Bad, or Justified. I have a new project coming out called Regression with Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson. AMA!
Hello!! This is Dale Dickey, excited to chat about the terrific suspense-thriller, REGRESSION, in which I had the pleasure of working with Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson. (REGRESSION is currently available on DVD/Blu-ray, Digital HD and On Demand). Also happy to talk about any other projects you may know me from such as WINTER'S BONE, IRON MAN 3, TRUE BLOOD, BREAKING BAD, JUSTIFIED, MY NAME IS EARL etc. Look forward to answering your questions and thanks for joining in!
I'll be back tomorrow at 10:30am CST to begin answering questions!
Submitted May 11, 2016 at 02:10AM by TheRealDaleDickey http://ift.tt/1WnRTg7
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