Is mediocre worse than bad?
I’ve recently realized that if you graphed my enjoyment of films, in order of their quality, the graph would be U shaped. By that I mean I like films that are well crafted (of course), and I like films that are terrible enough that they are funny, fun to criticize or interesting at least. It’s that middle, mediocre valley of films that I can’t stand, even more so than films that are terribly made. I like having strong reaction to something, whether good or bad.
Darren Aronofsky, one of my favorite directors, has a quote about this. He was talking to his dad about his first film (Pi) being screened and said this- “I told my father ‘Dad, all I want in my life is for people to either cheer or boo. I just don't want anything in the middle.’”
Anyone else feel this way? I guess it’s not the most original thought in the world but I’m curious to see how others feel.
Submitted September 03, 2019 at 09:07AM by SpiltSeaMonkies
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