Slide show


Announcing AMApril, our biggest month of AMAs ever! To kick it off we have a ton of huge AMAs lined up for Sunday, see who's gonna be stopping by!

It's been a long three or four years since we started taking a more active role in getting this sub interesting and relevant AMAs. We've had lots of cool ones over the years and it seems this is only becoming a more popular place to get heard on, which we think is awesome.

To celebrate all of this we are holding an event this year called AMApril! We've gotten a lot of popular AMA requests lately so we decided to do an all day AMA blowout to kick off the month this coming Sunday. Check out the list and times below and be sure to be at the ready to fire off a question this Sunday!

Terrence Malick (with a special announcement):

AMA Time AMA Guest
12pm EST James Cameron
1pm EST The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
2pm EST Colin Trevorrow
3pm EST A Special Guest from Netflix
4pm EST Rian Johnson (no relation to Dwayne)
5pm EST Wes Anderson
6pm EST John Cena
7pm EST Josh Brolin
8pm EST Terrence Malick (with a special announcement)

It's gonna be an awesome day! We have two sticky spots so each AMA will be stickied for two hours, how long the talent sticks around depends on their schedule. Since we are announcing this in advance we won't be doing the "Post the AMA and have the talent come back later" thing, we presume questions will start coming in fast so they will be at the ready when their AMA is posted! HAVE FUN!

- Da Mods

Submitted March 31, 2018 at 03:39AM by LiteraryBoner

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