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Actors who stole the movie in one scene

In another board, we were discussing favourite character actors and I was reminded of Nick Nolte in Warrior. There is one scene in that movie where Nolte's character -- a recovering alcoholic -- pretty much steals the entire movie. He's in the street at night outside the home of his estranged son (Joel Edgerton), trying to make amends and re-connect. The desperation and hurt in his voice just breaks your heart as his son turns his back on him and walks into the house.

Anybody else ever see a movie like this?

The 'classic' is Alec Baldwin's incendiary ball-busting corporate suit sent in to tear a strip off the struggling real estate agents in Glengarry Glen Ross. In a movie full of top-of-their-game A-listers, his one scene stands out above them all.

Ellen Burstyn in Requim for a Dream. As the mother of Jared Leto's character her scene where she slowly comes apart describing the pain and anguish of growing old, colourless and forgotten, having never accomplished anything of note in her life, is a gut punch.

Final one... The first ep of This Is Us. As the family obstetrician, Gerald McRaney's 'circle of life' speech to Jack in the delivery waiting room will have you reaching for a hankie.

Any others to recommend?

Submitted June 18, 2018 at 12:28PM by meet2jenny

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