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Gotti's user reviews on Rotten Tomatoes were artificially manipulated to be used in their marketing strategy

So today i saw Dan Murrel of ScreenJunkies reporting on Twitter about this really suspicious issue:

On Rotten Tomatoes the movie Gotti has a quite unique score of 0% BUT it has a really good 77% audience score; looking at it it has over 6900 user reviews which is an insane number for a movie that opened to a miserable 1.7m on 500 screens.

Gotti's RT page

To compare take a look at the number of user reviews on Ocean's 8 and Incredibles 2

Now here's the RT page of the movie Beirut which made 5 m on 700 screens, so very similar to Gotti

I went to take a look at the written reviews on RT and of the first 58 reviewers with an available profile 45 had created their account on June 2018;

Out of these 45, 32 have only reviewed Gotti, 10 reviewed Gotti and another movie (7 times it was American Animals for some reason) and 3 had more than 3 reviews.

Of the remaining 13 accounts 8 looked normal and 5 had created their account in December (TLJ?) so those were probably legit.

Now things get interesting because of this marketing decision:

It really really can't be overlooked and demonstrates a pathetic try at salvaging what is a terrible movie.

Also it shows how easy it is to manipulate these review sites, so please don't just look at numbers when deciding if a movie is worth your money but listen to some trusted reviewers.

Credits as I said go to @MurrelDan on twitter for bringing up the issue.

Submitted June 19, 2018 at 03:58PM by wunder_3

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