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Why doesn't WB release Stanley Kubrick's movies in their intended 1:85:1 aspect ratio?

I'm genuinely interested. Surely this would satisfy everyone as this is what Kubrick shot his latter career films in, but for some reason Warner Bros even with their new 4K remasters won't release the films in their original format.

Shots like The Shining's opening always look slightly off with WB reissues, and as Kubrick was a master of composition, surely they'd want to retain the proper composition of shots?

EDIT: Most of the films were shot for 1:66:1 with accommodations made by Kubrick for 1:85:1, my bad. But certainly they weren't shot or accommodated for the 'modern' aspects WB crops them to be. 1.78:1.

Submitted October 25, 2019 at 11:16AM by Scrumptical

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