What the hell is wrong with Rotten Tomatoes’ alrogithm? Of their all-time top 20 films, there aren’t any between 1942-2015 and 16 are from the last 5 years
Here's the list: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/
I’m not trying to overreact too much, but it’s a bit silly and mildly frustrating mostly because of seemingly illogical it is. Does anyone have an idea how so many films from 2015 on are rated so gd highly? Like, it’s actually mind-bottling how weirdly balanced it is
I’m making this post purely out of curiosity. I don’t have a ton of emotional stake, I just need to know who are Rotten Tomatoes looks at that list, lights a cigarette and says to themself: “job well done”. Maybe they’re just trying to troll me; in which case, I got got
Submitted July 30, 2020 at 11:47AM by JesusChristSupers1ar https://ift.tt/3hRSKT0
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