Slide show


R.I.P. to my Uncle Peter Sova (Cinematographer: Short Eyes, Rockers, Gangster No.1, Strangers, Push, and more)

EDIT: I was feeling sentimental and left out one of my favorite of his films, Good Morning Vietnam!

My uncle passed two months ago and I thought it might be appropriate to share his work here. I think the movies he has made are incredible. Short Eyes was one of his first films, actually shot in a prison with real prisoners playing the roles and a solid rendition of a famous play all around. If you like reggae, or really any culturally and politically significant music, then Rockers is an incredible dose of history, culture, good music and fun. Any fans of The Godfather series, Goodfellas, Mean Streets, etc., would appreciate Gangster No. 1. Strangers is a good ol' horror film with some qualities that definitely separate it from other horror films, though I don't want to spoil anything ;). Push didn't get great ratings but I always thought it was underrated and compares to Crank, if you're a fan of that sort of thing. Anyways, I hope at least some of his work will bring joy to you, as his work has brought joy to me.

Edit 2: Grammar

Submitted October 20, 2020 at 04:27PM by _gnar

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