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The Matrix Explained...Zero Loop Holes.

Feel free to ask any questions and I will try to fill them in. I released this a little earlier than I planned due to The Matrix Trilogy on TV.


I will start with the facts and build the case around them.

1) Neo is not human- Neo is a version of “The One” program.

2) Zion exists in a metaphysical world called the Machine World

3) The Matrix trilogy is a Greek tragedy about the Machines strive for perfection and understanding of their self.

The Matrix, when taken piece-by-piece, and explained is actually a straightforward movie. Pieces of the truth are in front of the user. The Matrix trilogy is a product of philosophy. To understand the Matrix completely, you can’t make any assumptions. This is why most websites, to this day, still have the true meaning of the Matrix wrong.

The Matrix trilogy uses perspective to skew reality for the user, while never out right lying. Every character is portraying their believed truth. Definitions

Let’s start with the Machines and Artificial Intelligence (AI). What is AI? AI is a complex program. The true definition is still quite vague but the main point is, AI is all programmatic. This is going to be a key point to this synopsis. So, what is the Matrix? It’s a program where AI can interface with humans. The Matrix allows complete control of its occupants. Consider the Matrix a “sandbox” world program environment. What is the Machine World? The Machine World is a hive program where Machines live. In the movie, this is perceived as the actual physical world. In reality, this is just how the Machines made their world look in their program. Simply consider the sandbox Matrix program running on the Machine World Operating System.

1st Point

In order to fully understand the complete picture, you must understand this universal principal: all truth is seen from beings’ own perspective. What is the true purpose of the Matrix? Consider Morpheus’ understanding of the Matrix. Morpheus believes that the point of the Matrix is to power the Machine World. This is what Morpheus tells Neo. While this is Morpheus’ truth, this is not the absolute truth. Where does Morpheus get his truth? Who knows the absolute truth? The Machines. Let’s start with the scene where Agent Smith is interrogating Morpheus and decides to go rogue and remove the earpiece. This is the first glimpse of what the Matrix’s true current purpose is.

“I say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about. Evolution, Morpheus, evolution, like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You had your time. The future is our world, Morpheus. The future is our time.” –Agent Smith

What Agent Smith is stating in this monologue is one of the most important pieces of the script. The Matrix is about Evolution. Of What? The Machines. For what? THEIR future. This makes perfect sense if you think about it. The fact that they could not create a perfect Matrix proved to the Machines that they are not perfect and that their imperfections would eventually lead to their demise, like the dinosaurs and the humans. The Machines realized they had two of the three pieces to become the ultimate being. They had knowledge (the architect), truth (the oracle) but they did not have Good (the sun) to illuminate these truths. Neo is the Machines attempt at creating Good. Neo is the Sun, Neo is the one, Neo completes the Trinity to form the perfect omniscient being. Socrates explains, “It is goodness which allows us to know the truth and makes it possible to have knowledge. Hence goodness is more valuable that truth and knowledge, it holds a higher place.”

Neo is a program with a specific purpose, just like we find out many other “people” in the Matrix are. His purpose is to understand human beings by becoming a human being. The Machines realize they cannot allow Neo to see that he’s a program, or else he won’t gain the full understanding of being human, and they will not then obtain the best knowledge of humans. Plato explains it well in the Allegory of the Cave. The Machines had to find a way to blind themselves to their truths in order to understand humans. Neo’s only purpose in the Matrix is to help the machines evolve, to not become dinosaurs.

2nd Point

Now that we understand the Matrix, let’s talk about The Machine World and Zion. The Machine World is the home world for AI. This is the world they created. This is not the same as the Physical world as we understand it. This is their Operating System. Ironically, when Agent Smith tries to describe the Matrix, he actually describes the Machine home world: “is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization.” The Machine World is most likely designed in a similar fashion. The peak of the Machine Civilization; the point when they conquered the humans. The Machine World is their own creation, their own operating system. While this may seem like a Matrix within a matrix, there is a distinct difference: perspective. To the Machines, their world is equivalent to our physical world, as we know it. That does not make it our physical world though, and it also doesn’t make it the Matrix.
So if the Machine World is the OS and the Matrix is a program. What does that make Zion? Zion is the Machines way of handling a memory leak from the imperfect Matrix program. Why does Zion exist? The machines could have just gotten rid of the humans who didn’t accept the Matrix. The reason Zion actually exists is to allow the One to interact and bond with the people who reject the Matrix. There is no better way to understand what causes some humans to reject the Matrix than to embed Neo among them.

3rd Point

Let’s move on to the next important speech in the Matrix. This is the Oracle’s speech and the start of The Matrix Reloaded. To start, The Oracle states, “We're all here to do, what we're all here to do. I'm interested in one thing Neo, the future. And believe me, I know, the only way to get there is together.” She essentially confirms what Agent Smith says when he says the Matrix is there for the Machines. However, we need to take a step back and gain perspective. She says they are all there for the future, but she is talking about The Machines future, not the human’s future. Let’s take a look at the following exchange.

Neo: And why would a program be deleted?

Oracle: Maybe it breaks down. Maybe a better program is created to replace it, happens all the time. And when it does, a program can either choose to hide here, or return to the source.

Neo: The machine mainframe.

Oracle: Yes. Where you must go. Where the path of the One ends. You've seen it, in your dreams, haven't you? The door, made of light. What happens when you go through the door? She is letting Neo know that he is a program. Like any other program, once his purpose is complete he must return to the source. This will allow the Machines to use the knowledge he gained to create a better “One.” Later in the conversation: Oracle: You have the sight now, Neo, you are looking at the world without time.

Neo: Then why can't I see what happens to her?

Oracle: We can never see past the choices we don't understand.

The key to this conversation is the last line and the use of the word “we.” “We” from the Oracle’s perspective are The Machines; her and Neo. This is what makes Neo “The One.” This is extremely important later in the movie. This is why The Matrix as a human cage was never successful, because the Machines couldn’t see through illogical choices. Trinity plays a big role in this. The Oracle was created to manipulate humans and The One to believe there is hope for the human race. The Oracle provided Neo with purpose. The Oracle, who had a limited understanding of humans and truths, was there to nurture Neo to the truth.

4th Point

Let’s explore some other programs within the Matrix. We will begin with Agent Smith. He is the main nemesis. Thanks to him, we have the greatest understanding of the Matrix. Agent Smith is part of a security program within the Matrix. His role in the Matrix is limited by the construct of the Matrix itself. This means Agent Smith has to stay within the rules of his own program. This changed at the end of the original Matrix movie though. When Neo hopped into Agent Smith, some of the source program was copied from Neo to Agent Smith. This allowed Agent Smith to operate outside the constraints of his program.

Agent Smith in The Matrix Reloaded says: “But, as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free. There is no escaping reason; no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.” A central theme that runs through all three movies is that appearances are deceiving, in other words, perspective. What does Agent Smith mean when he says “we’re here because we’re not free? There’s no escaping reason.” He is explaining that they are here because the Machines are slaves to premeditated choices. They are slaves to reason. Yes or No. Ones and zeros. There is no maybe. They are slaves to their lack of choice. The last part is essential. Agent Smith understands that if Neo is The One and he solves the problems facing The Machines, The Matrix will no longer have purpose. If the Matrix doesn’t have a purpose then neither Neo nor Agent Smith will have a purpose, and, according to the Oracle, will be returned to the source. This would mark the end of Neo and Agent Smith as individuals and instead they would become a part of a collective consciousness.

5th Point

The Matrix Reloaded leads to the climax of the Trilogy and one of the most discussed scenes in movie history: the meeting with the Architect.
Let’s start with these lines in that scene: Neo: You won't let it happen, you can't. You need human beings to survive.

The Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world. Notice the Architect says every human being in “this world.” The world he is referring to is the Matrix.
The Architect then says: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the anomaly revealed as both beginning, and end. There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the source, and the salvation of Zion. The door to the left leads back to the Matrix, to her, and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you're going to do, don't we? Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onset of emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic, and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple, and obvious truth: she is going to die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it.

This is the moment of truth. The ultimate test. If Neo has fulfilled his program as the One, he will understand that given two choices, both are control mechanisms. It’s the third door that makes us human. It’s the third door that computers cannot see and don’t understand. The Architect can see the program working and realizes Neo has become human enough to completely ignore logic. This is the One’s purpose.

Moving onto the train station scene, which is one of the most clever in the Matrix movies. The trainman connects the Machine World to the Matrix. What do we call something that connects the Machine World to a piece of software? A driver.....sneaky. This is just a control access point between the Machine World and The Matrix. The conversation Neo has in the conversation is about unconditional love. In the end, Neo’s unconditional Love is what allows him to break logic. Love is what allows Neo to make choices the Machines cannot understand.

Lets get into the conclusion of the Matrix Revelations. There is a lot to cover here.

This movie is strongly based on Plato’s the republic. I will get into this more in part two and dig into details how the matrix manipulated the perspective of even the brightest psychology students. First, lets start with the most missed part.

Neo is living in a metaphorical cave. A cave created by the Machines on purpose to blind his perspective of being one of them. Neo started slowly getting the same feeling about the Machine World. Neo started getting increasing visions, uneasiness and being unable to sleep. Neo wasn’t able to fully understand his perspective until he was blinded of it. As long as we have perspective, the truth will always be skewed to this perspective. This is where Agent Smith blinds Neo in the final movie, this leads to Neo fully waking up and realizing he’s AI. Realizing The Machine World is a program also. Right when Neo realizes this, his ship shoots through the clouds and Neo see’s the light. A perfect metaphor for the situation. After this point , Neo was able to see the Machine Code. Neo has fully embraced the fact he is a Machine like the rest of them.

Agent Smith was willing to destroy the Machine World , due to bitterness of having to repeat the same job over and over. Because of Neo’s implanted source code, Agent Smith also had great power. The Machine Collective realized Neo was their only hope to save their world. If Neo would lose, it would be the end of their world.

Since Agent Smith gained knowledge from programs he consumed, the Oracle purposefully allowed herself to be consumed by Agent Smith. This gamble was talked about in the end with the architect. Since the Oracle could see the truth based on Machine code 1’s and 0s, she knew Agent Smith would overestimate this ability versus Neo. Neo’s love made him unpredictable and unbeatable by Agent Smith. Agent Smiths own perspective was blinded by the biggest weakness the machines were fixing with Neo. Once Neo reintegrates with the source, the role of the Matrix and the one is fulfilled.

The final scene with the Architect and the Oracle is the most telling.

The Oracle: What about the others?

The Architect: ...What others?

The Oracle: The ones that want out.

The Architect: Obviously they will be freed.

The Oracle: I have your word?

The Architect: What do you think I am? Human?

The Architect: You played a very dangerous game.

The Oracle: Change always is.

While everyone wants to assumes they are talking about humans, they never mention humans. They are talking about the computer programs that no longer serve a purpose. The programs the oracle looked over. The tragedy of the Matrix is by Neo fulfilling his purpose as the One, he guaranteed humans are no longer needed. If this were to be looked at 1000s of Machine years in the future, I would equate Neo to the Machines’ Savior and the story equivalent to the Bible.

Bonus Material: This is my only real speculation How did the humans have such skewed perspective? Morpheus thought he knew the truth. Councilor Hamann (leader of Zion) is the Architect. He planted himself in Zion from the start. Thus helping facilitate it’s destruction. This also would allow him to plant whatever story he wanted to in Zion. His conversation with Neo is one of the most important in the movie and several things were hinted at him not being human. Such as not needing sleep and sympathy to the machines. He was trying to guide Neo the right direction.

TLDR: Neo is Machine. Machines World is AI OS. Matrix is program on OS. Machines probably stopped needing humans ages ago and we never saw the actual initial physical world.

Submitted May 02, 2016 at 04:56AM by dwillpower

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