Looking for movies like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
I don't know if posts like this are welcome here (sorry if they're not), but asking questions like this on google just gave me bad results.
Ever since Kiss Kiss Bang Bang came out I fell in love immediately. I like just the feeling of that movie, the classic crime vibe and the inner wish to actually want to solve this one, the chemistry, the light humor and the witty dialogues. I always wanted to see more like this but never found anything satisfying. Until now when I saw The Nice Guys. It just feels almost the same: classic crime genre + witty lines + likable characters even if they come off as dicks.
To make this clear I'm not looking for a full on comedy movie. I want the humor to be smart and presented in a decent way. Does this make any sense?
Submitted August 22, 2016 at 05:07PM by BabySealSlayer http://ift.tt/2bb8uTy
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