Slide show


Hi, I'm Alamo Drafthouse Founder CEO Tim League. I just opened a new theater in Downtown Brooklyn, AMA

After a two-year stint at Shell Oil in Bakersfield, California, I left engineering and opened up his first movie theater. When that theater closed after a short run in 1995, my wife Karrie headed to Austin with 200 seats, a projector, screen, speakers and the desire to do it right the second time. We founded the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in 1997, where we remain committed to providing diverse programming and a zero tolerance policy for talking and texting during the theater experience. I also co-founded Fantastic Fest, the largest genre film festival in the United States and launched Drafthouse Films, a distribution label committed to releasing provocative, visionary and unusual films from around the world.

I'll be answering questions until 3pm Eastern.


Submitted October 29, 2016 at 01:04AM by timalamo

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