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The votes have been counted and the 2017 reddit Top 250 is here!

Here's the list!

As usual, this list is pretty much what you'd expect from our wonderful subreddit. There's a bit of recency bias and maybe some movies that are popular with the reddit demographic are higher than they might be if this list was voted on by paid critics or what have you, but my strategy with this list has always been check it out and if there's movies on here you haven't seen then give them a try because they are probably pretty good! If you spend too much time thinking about the numerical rankings you'll just drive yourself nuts. That said, here's some interesting points about the 2017 Reddit Top 250!

  • This is the first year ever that Pulp Fiction did not take the top spot. That's huge, it usually wins by a mile no competition. So without further adieu, let's all welcome our new overlord The Dark Knight with open arms.

  • Here is the list on letterboxd in case you crave their formatting!

  • 43 films fell off the list this year with Synecdoche, New York being the one falling farthest from its former #125 spot. I actually blame myself for that, I submitted that one personally last year and I didn't submit any this year and I believe it didn't get posted for a day or so so it probably lost votes there. Oh how fragile this list is! I'll be posting the other movies that fell off the list in a comment in this thread.

  • Six Tarantino films, six Coen Brothers films, two Kurosawa, seven Scorsese films, five Nolan films, five Fincher films, three Zemeckis films, five Wes Anderson films, four Hitchcock films, and four Paul Thomas Anderson films. All five Nolan films are in the top 50 and both of Damien Chazelle's films are in the top 25.

  • Speaking of Chazelle, La La Land is exactly 105 spots ahead of Moonlight.

  • 12 films that came out in 2016 made the list.

  • We recognize that this list tends to have a recency bias so this year we also made an alternate version of the list where we didn't allow any movies from the past five years. It's called the No Recency Bias List and it's right here to check out!

  • Lego Movie saw the biggest rise from one place on the list to another gaining 137 spots this year.

  • The Terminator saw the biggest drop off while still staying on the list losing 132 spots this year.

  • Our resident James Bond expert /u/GetFreeCash also requested I mention that Casino Royale surprisingly went up 100 spots this year! I say surprisingly because usually movies in the 5-10 year old sweet spot don't move too much.

So yeah. There it is. Much earlier than we got it up last year. Big thanks to /u/GetFreeCash and /u/mi-16evil for doing some of the legwork on getting the list compiled and the fun facts for me, and as always a big thanks to everyone who submitted films and voted on your favorites! Enjoy judging this list harshly and looking down on everyone who uses the same internet movie forum you do!

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 06:06AM by LiteraryBoner

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