The Fast and Furious franchise is basically the movie equivalent of Call of Duty
What started as a simple, grounded idea turned into the most batshit franchise ever. They keep making it more and more ridiculous, every sequel or prequel seems to step further away from the original. There's news of a brand new trilogy now, so it seems like they're expanding it even further.
This seems reminiscent of Call of Duty, which started off as a simple shooter game but did what it did so well that it became one of the biggest players in the industry. Then, it began to expand thematically into the ridiculous and overkill, and financially expanded to spawn multiple sub-franchises and series. I think the Fast and Furious franchise is also in a similar position; yeah, it's generic and stupid but the simple idea behind it's ridiculousness is what keeps it going. It doesn't need to be original but as long as they keep increasing the stakes every iteration, people will keep buying tickets to see it.
Submitted March 30, 2017 at 02:57AM by arhanv
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