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Boromir's Lothlorien Monologue in Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition is Vital to his Story Arc

Here's the clip I'm referring to.

I'm rewatching the extended edition for the first time this year and when the scene ended, all I could think was how the fuck did they exclude this from the original cut?

I understand pacing and time, but holy shit, this two minute scene is SO critically important in fleshing out Boromir's character and the actions he takes.

The inclusion of this scene adds so much weight to his death, and in turn, Faramir's arc in TT and RotK.

It's a clear cut example of why I severely recommend anyone who hasn't, take the time to experience the extended cut of the original Lord of the Rings trilogy. They're long as hell, yes, but they flesh out so many small plot lines and are even more faithful to their source material.

I'm so happy I decided to do it this weekend.

Submitted April 17, 2017 at 02:22AM by SupremeBigFudge

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