Heavyweights: The movie about fat kids, respecting oneself, and a psychotic camp counselor
I really cannot think of a single negative of this movie. We have the over-the-top (and rather dark and mentally twisted) Ben Stiller as Tony Perkins.
We have the wholesome story about the kids learning self-respect and self-responsibility. Got the love interests, a dance number, great comedy, a camp vs camp relay race, and some great quotes.
"Hey! Don't pee in the water!!"
"Don't drink the water, he peed in it!!"
For me, however, Ben Stiller steals the show. He bounces back and forth between a health nut and a sociopath who rather let kids die out in the woods than admit that he is doing anything wrong. Not to mention the darker subplot revolving around the fact that his parents completely ignored him leading him to this mental break down.
Not to mention the food orgy.
"He looks like a human Smore..."
Submitted September 27, 2017 at 10:47AM by Videowulff http://ift.tt/2wT95nt
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