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I just had the worst cinematic experience of my life watching Hereditary (no spoilers)

Mods, delete this if it isn't allowed, I just really need to vent right now.

So I just saw Hereditary, great movie by the way, and the entire experience was ruined by what had to be the absolute worst audience I've ever been around.

  1. A couple showed up and sat front row center and fell asleep before the movie even started. Loudly snored the entire 2 hours, waking up when the lights came on and just walked out like they watched the whole movie and nothing odd happened.

  2. A couple of douchbros were right behind me and made stupid fucking jokes everytime something serious happened. There's a very disturbing scene (you'll know when you see it) at the beginning where they laughed the most obnoxious, fake and boisterous laugh for what reason i have no idea. People shushed them but they just told them to shut the fuck up. Someone told an usher and he just shrugged

  3. A group of teenagers were sitting in the second row on their phones the entire time. Full brightness, sound on and keyboard sounds as well.

I don't have a ton of time to see movies these days as I've been working swing shift, so midnight showings are really the only time I can go, between shifts usually. This is the type of shit I expect to happen on a slow weekend when the theater is empty. No. This was a packed showing on opening night. I enjoyed the movie but every scene had the oomph taken out of it by these fucking morons. Who goes to the movies with the intent of fucking off and ruining the experience for everyone? I do. not. get. it.

Sorry. Had to vent.

Go see Hereditary though. It was good, just make sure you go when nobody is there apparently.

Submitted June 08, 2018 at 03:12PM by ShaneRunninShirtless

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