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John Wick / People Who Nit Pick Fun Movies Are Boring

This is going to a little bit of a rant. Read a post about how fun the world building is in John Wick, and of course the comments are filled with film critics saying....

“It’s all ridiculous. How would they dispose of all the bodies just like what? Why is it so cheap to do so? Why is this and that and that a thing? Why doesn’t the police, blah blah blah? Why is the universe doing this? Assassins aren’t like that blah blah blah ...”

Like, what? How boring can you get that you need to nit pick an interesting universe to death? It’s over-the-top and ridiculous for sure, but that just adds to the appeal and charm.

There are plenty of reasons not to like these movies, but nit picking the universe and world building to death is such lazy critique. Why can’t you just enjoy things?

Sometimes it’s fun for movies to be over the top and unbelievable. No, a massive underground guild of assassins and gentleman who rely on rules and regulations isn’t believable, but it damn sure is fun.

I’m so glad none of my movie friends are like this. It would get boring so quick. If you want to find plot holes in something, go for it, but critiquing a ridiculous premise on it not making sense and not being believable... Stop watching fun action/horror/fantasy movies and stick with your critically acclaimed “drama” movies so you can avoid finding a plot that isn’t “believable.” Christ.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 09:45PM by ASongofFuckandFucker

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