[Spoilers] New scenes in the Midsommar director's cut
I went and saw the director's cut of Midsommar last night so you don't have to, and here are the added scenes I noticed:
When Dani confronts Christian about not telling her about the trip to Sweden, there's an extended part where Dani breaks down more and apologizes to Christian, saying that she get's paranoid and doesn't mean to be this way (this is somewhat relevant later). More importantly, we now actually see him invite her now. He does it in a really shitty way where he pretends like it was supposed to be a surprise but he says that she ruined the surprise.
When they land in Sweden and are driving in the car, there entire sequence is extended. We see a montage of Dani falling asleep, waking back up again, and back and forth. It does a better job of driving home the length they're driving. There's also a point in which Dani notices Josh is reading a book with a swastika on it. He says it's because Pelle told him he should learn the runic alphabet.
- Probably the most important part of this extended scene is that we see Dani get a text from a friend wishing her a happy early birthday.
There are a few added/extended scenes where we see Christian working on his thesis by interviewing some of the locals. One of these follows just about immediately after the ritual with the people jumping off the cliff. Christian approaches some of the locals who are decorating a tree (essentially like a christmas tree). He asks (Ulla?) how many times she's seen the ritual. She just says that she's seen it many times since it happens every time someone turns 72.
Soon after, we see what that decorated tree was for. There's an additional ritual in this cut that takes place at night. Everyone is standing near a lake, with torchlight illuminating everything. A few members (Irma and someone else) take turns reading scripted lines as part of the ritual. When they're finished with their lines, two men run through the crowd carrying the tree and hoist it into the water.
- Someone blows a horn a short distance away, and someone in the main crowd says "Did anyone hear that? I heard his stomach rumble" Nobody else heard it (they did of course, but it's part of the act). He says that they don't want to risk it, and should sacrifice more just to be safe. Everyone is in agreement.
- A young boy runs out of the crowd dressed as a tree with branches wrapped around him and similar decorations to the tree that got thrown into the water. He volunteers to be a sacrifice. Two men attach weights to his ankles, pick him up, and have him hold a large rock. They stand by the lake and start swinging, preparing to toss him into the lake. It cuts to Dani's face and she (like us) is absolutely horrified. She runs forward and shouts "don't do it! don't!" and the entire crowd shouts similar sentiments: "Don't do it, he's already proven his bravery!" As much as we were expecting it to happen after the cliff scene, it appears this ritual was always scripted so that the boy was never going to die.
- Following this scene, there's a confrontation between Christian and Dani. She asks if he loves her anymore, he doesn't really respond, but turns it back on her and says that she's manipulating him by doing nice things for him. Every time she does something nice for him (he mentions the example of her picking him flowers), he feels in debt to her, and he says it's something she's purposefully doing. She can't believe this, and when she gets upset he mocks her by bringing up what she said in their argument earlier about being paranoid. The following scene is one that made it into the movie. When Dani returns to the cabin she asks Josh for a sleeping pill and gives Christian an upset look which made a lot more sense now.
When Christian is brought into the building to speak to Siv (the head lady) about Maja (the read-headed girl), he expresses concerns about Dani finding out, but Siv assures him that she won't. I don't think this part was in the original.
To be honest, I fell asleep during most of the rest of the movie, pretty much until the part where Dani discovers Christian having sex with Maja in the building. I think the scene with her crying in the cabin with the other women around her is extended, but I'm not entirely sure. The ending seemed pretty much identical.
Maybe someone can help me out if I missed anything.
I'd say most of the parts that got cut in the original version weren't necessary. Including the additional ritual was cool, but pretty much everything else that got cut were scenes that helped drive home how shitty Christian is to Dani. And I think the original cut already did an adequate job of this.
Submitted September 02, 2019 at 05:17AM by Saquon https://ift.tt/2Lld3Ke
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