It's bad enough that there's 30 minutes of previews before a movie, but now there's ads too.
I went to go see Star Wars. There was a solid 30 minutes is previews. Whatever, I'm used to it at this point. It's still way too many, and kind of irritating. It's assigned seating so I'm just going to show up 20 minutes late for certain movies..
What really pissed me off is in the middle of the previews, there was a legit commercial for some car. Can't remember which one. Doesn't really matter. A fucking ad mixed in with the trailers. I'm so sick of getting sold to at every turn. Everywhere you look there's a fucking ad for something.
Can't enjoy a sports game without every little thing being sponsored by some company. Make sure you get their name in as much as possible during the Burger King half time show. Don't forget to talk about the Lexus instant replay. Now there's ads on NBA Jerseys. It never ends.
Please do not let the norm be ads before movies. You want to have the Coca-Cola product there, that's fine...but to actually show a commercial is unacceptable. We slowly accept this bullshit until it's normal. Soon it'll be 5 commercials. Then we'll be happy it's only 3...totally forgetting when there were ZERO ads. Same thing happened with trailers. They just keep adding more and more to see how much they can get away with.
Start going to movies 15-20 minutes late. Skip everything and watch trailers online.
Sorry for the rant. I hate ads and getting sold too. This just pissed me off.
Submitted December 26, 2019 at 12:33PM by scarfacesaints
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