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Sack Alert! Finding unintentional genitalia in movies.

I've been doing research into the unintentional view of genitalia in movies for an upcoming podcast discussion. I was wondering if anyone had any insight into specific parts of movies that have a little slip of the genitals.

I am primarily focusing on the unintentional slips, so I haven't counted movies such as Basic Instinct or Hollow Man, though I'm willing to consider those.

So far this is the list I have come up with:

EDIT: Movies added from the comments: * Die Hard 2 - 00:02:56 - * Monster's Ball * Twister * Alexander * The Garbage Pail Kids * Teen Wolf * Gone Girl * Broke Back Mountain * A Christmas Story * Philosophy of a Knife * A Serbian Film * Color of Night * Wild Things * Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves * Body of Evidence * Noah * Double Down * Closer

Submitted December 03, 2019 at 08:51AM by Maxwe4

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