The Adventures of Tintin (2011) deserves way more attention than it got
As an American, I'm not too familiar with Tintin, but boy was I surprised by this movie. It's got a fairly good plot for a "kids' movie," the animation/cinematography is often stunningly beautiful, the cast and voice acting is sheer perfection (especially Andy Serkis), it's filled with memorable and interesting characters, Speilberg's vision, directing, and even camerawork is spectacular, and it's got some of the most innovative, thrilling, original, and suspenseful action sequences I've ever seen that often feel more like amusement park rides than just a movie. Oh, and the score is highly engrossing.
IMDb: 7.3/10
Metacritic: 68/100
Rotten Tomatoes (Critics): 74%
Rotten Tomatoes (Audience): 74%
The only thing negative I can come up with to say about it is that the artistic style of the characters took a few minutes to get used to. It's like they couldn't decide whether to go with realistic or cartoon and compromised on an unsettling middle ground. It's not as bad as Polar Express, but it definitely takes getting used to.
Personally, I give it an 8/10.
Submitted April 22, 2020 at 09:18PM by samx3i
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