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What plot element of a movie made you go "how did this make it into the final product?"

Wonder Woman 1984 brought back Steve Trevor in an "interesting" way. Using a magic wishing rock Wonder Woman puts Steve Trevor's soul was put into the body of a living man. In case you were wondering, no the movie never brings up how that is a really effed up thing to do. I'm not kidding. Wonder Woman, the hero of the movie, literally has her dead boyfriend possess another human being and it's never brought up how that is something a villain would do. This happens fairly early on in the movie and as a result I spent a good portion of my viewing time going "how did this make it into the final product?"

What other plot elements are like that? Plot elements that really should have been wiped in an earlier draft but weren't and somehow made it into the final product.

Also, don't bring up Passengers (2016). We all know how unintentionally creepy that movie is.

Submitted January 01, 2021 at 01:28PM by JimmyTheOtherCat

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