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What was the best movie you saw in 2020?

With 366 days in this year, id say i watched at least 200 movies i havent seen before. Obviously some were awesome, and some were immediately forgettable. There might have been a total of 5 that I was truly disappointed I spent the time to watch.

I'm interested to know what the best/your favorite movie you watched this year was. Personally i watched several Martin Scorsese movies & everything Alex Garland has done.

I saw classics & hidden gems. Some of the best classics i saw were Misery, Taxi Driver, Tombstone. I also thoroughly enjoyed things that are less popular like Blue Velvet & Snatch. Of every new movie i watched this year, Annihilation (by Alex Garland) was my favorite.

What movie did you watch for the first time in 2020 that really stuck out to you?

Edit: I also saw 1917 in the theater this year, and that was one of the greatest theatrical experiences i've ever had. Im not saying it's the greatest war movie, but it is my personal favorite. Additional shoutout to 1917.

Submitted January 01, 2021 at 10:13AM by 13Mac_

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