Is Jim Carrey's character in "Liar Liar" bound to the truth as he knows it or bound to an absolute truth?
I ask this because he mentions something in the trial after he drinks water to delay. It can mess with erections or arousal: appears as if his character doesn't know this to even be true he just heard it. But is the act of his ability to speak aloud -that excess urine retention causes issues - be a confirmation of the study results? As such I ask could this "curse" to tell the truth be used for....I mean anything.
"This scientific study ______ confirms a truth"
"The buried treasure is on ______ island" "On this half of the island" "On this 1/10th of the island" and so on and so forth.
"Teleportation is possible using _______ technology"
"Epstein didn't kill himself"
"Hitler escaped Berlin at the end of World War II"
It's been bothering me for....well let's see off the top of my head I think the movie came out in 1996, so 25 years. Does the curse force a truth or THE truth?
Submitted June 14, 2021 at 09:11AM by atomicvocabulary
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