I managed to show my girlfriend Terminator and Terminator 2 without her knowing that Arnold would be the good guy in the sequel. And it was glorious.
My girlfriend didn’t watch a lot of TV or movies growing up and missed out on virtually every blockbuster until the last few years. I am a huge movie fan and it’s been a big part of my life. My local theater feels like a second home.
It’s not that she never liked movies or anything. Her family just wasn’t into movie watching and she was too busy in her college years to watch anything. Since we’ve been together, I have had the privilege of showing her many classics for the first time, like Alien, Goodfellas, Jaws, etc.
As soon as she told me that all she knew about the Terminator movies was that Arnold Schwarzenegger played a killer robot, I got excited. Some of you may not remember the fact that the T-800 is the good guy was hidden until the Galleria scene.
She really liked the first Terminator and wanted to watch the sequel the following weekend. When Arnold said “Get down” to John, she gasped and said “WHAT?!”
Throughout the rest of the scene, she kept saying how cool this was. She loved the rest of the movie and was honestly shocked by that twist. She really thought the sequel was going to be the same as the first movie in the beginning.
It was one of the most fulfilling movie experiences I’ve ever had. It was on the same level as the Darth Vader reveal. She is really into literature and found it fun to analyze the plots of the movies we watch and she says this was her favorite surprise thus far.
Submitted July 01, 2021 at 01:57PM by BaxterVoice https://ift.tt/3w4k7A1
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