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Terrible concepts that turned out into good movies, like Lego Movie

We have our fair share of movies with good concepts but terrible executions. What about the other way around? What movies sounded terrible on paper but turned out to be good movies?

Lego Movie - The concept sounded like the very worst Hollywood could think off. A blatant cash grab, exploiting a brand of toys with no discernable plot or way to tell a good story. It turned out to be one of the best animated features of the last decade.

The Planet of the Apes prequels - That trilogy had absolutely no business being as good as it is. Prequel syndrome, a lack of fresh ideas made everyone disregard Rise before it was released. Once we saw what a thoughtful, riveting movie it was, we were all disheartened to learn that they were planning a sequel. Then Reeves delivers one of the best sci fi movies of the 21st century, we thought it couldn’t and shouldn't be topped. Then War happened and it closed a trilogy that had absolutely no right to be this good.

X-Men First Class and X-Men Days of Future Past. Same thing as Planet of the Apes prequels. Apparent cash grabs. They turned out to be exquisite X-Men movies, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix notwithstanding.

What other movies can you think of?

Edit: has to be added. We are talking about movies there is a general consensus that they're good, not that you particularly liked.

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 06:22AM by ERSTF

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