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Who’s the best comedic actor turned Drama?

I don’t necessarily mean they ditched comedy and left for Drama but who excelled in both areas? I have 3 possible answers:

Robin Williams I personally believe is still the greatest comedic actor turned Drama. He arguably was the greatest comedic actor when he was alive and was one of the best dramatic actors. I believe he had 4 Academy award nominations under his belt with a win. He could’ve left comedy and became one of the greatest dramatic actors of our time

Adam Sandler I think is slowly creeping up behind Robin Williams. Again one if the greatest comedic actors of his era, and now it looks like he’s embracing it more. Should’ve gotten nominated for an Oscar for Uncut Gems. He hasn’t done drama as much but his batting average is high

Jonah Hill is a little underrated imo. He hasn’t done a lot the last few years but it looked like he kinda stepped away from comedy for a bit, sling only a little bit, he has two Academy Awards nominations under his belt (arguably should’ve won in 2013) and he’s been great. Would love to see him do more

Submitted January 05, 2023 at 06:59AM by Academic-Value1876

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