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First time watching Titanic as an adult

So the first time I watched Titanic I was like 7 or 8 years old and obviously it went over my head as a young boy. I'm now 29 years old and with all the ocean gate stuff going on, I finally decided to give it a try after thinking my whole life I would not like it. Man what an absolutely heartbreaking story, honestly I cannot blame anyone for what they did outside of the Captain but at least him and the designer choose to go down with the ship.

In our heads we like to think we would be brave men and let the woman and children board the escape boats, but you never know how you would react in that situation. Still can't believe the parent company of White Star only payed out 900K total to all the victims and survivor's.

Submitted June 29, 2023 at 02:57AM by Mattm334

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