Slide show


American Psycho

Watched this all the way start to finish for the first time this week. I’ve seen it probably three times but always pieces here and there, never a straight shot.

Do other people find this to be one of the funniest movies they’ve ever seen? I was entertained from start to finish, and the shooting spree where he comes back through the revolving door to shoot the janitor made me pause because I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard.

It’s like they told Christian Bale to do his best Leslie Neelson and he proceeded to nail it first take.

I think they could have re-shot this like Airplane!, same script, but have Leslie Neelson as Bateman and it would’ve been a smash hit.

“I’m 27 years old. If my face is puffy I wear an ice compress while I do my crunches. I can do 1000 now.” I can just hear Leslie in these lines.

I feel like an actual psycho because I could not stop laughing at this movie, from start to about 10 mins before the ending.

Lmk if I’m crazy, I have to go return some video tapes.

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 11:06PM by Wooow675

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