Through 9 X-Men movies we've seen Magnetos origins three times and Wolverines three times
Wolverine Origins: X-Men 2, flashbacks to having the metal added to his bones and breaking out of the lake fortress. X-Men Origins: Wolverine, self explanatory X-Men: Apocalypse, wolverine breaking out of lake fortress sometime shortly after getting the metal added to his bones.
Magneto: X-Men, flash back to the concentration camp when his powers manifest. X-Men First Class, same and expanded. X-Men: Apocalypse, flash back to concentration camp and when he was friends with Charles for one week.
Edit 1: deleted
Edit 2: delete first edit because I guess it's a spoiler even though it's in previews.
Submitted May 29, 2016 at 09:35PM by Planeis
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