Why are Christian Movies typically so bad?
I'm currently a volunteer at a small town movie theater and I've had to watch hundreds of movies over the past three years.
One thing I've noticed is that Christian or faith-based, agenda-pushing movies are typically awful.
God's Not Dead (and the crappy sequel), War Room, the Encounter, Heaven is for Real, The Persecuted, and so on.
Objectively, they are awful movies. They have an after school special level of cheesiness, a ridiculous "villain," a community so far off from the real world in terms of passion about Christianity, an overzealous protagonist, and mostly recycled plots. And there is very little conflict depicted, and characters have little to no flaws aside from the occasional questioning of their faith.
Is this a cultural problem?
Why are these movies typically so awful?
Submitted May 30, 2016 at 08:05AM by Cyclopher6971 http://ift.tt/22tsnWh
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