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Suicide Squad's concept art seems to reveal an early draft of the movie

So one of the artists who worked on Suicide Squad released his artwork, and there's a bunch of interesting stuff there.
For one, the Joker is much more Ledger-esque, complete with a Glasgow smile; Enchantress has a trippy, mescaline-themed visual aesthetic.
Now, the kicker: the blobby eye monsters are actually referred to as parademons, the same Darkseid-affiliated monsters Baffleck fought in his dream/vision thing. They even have a SEAL unit. The light pillar thingie Enchantress is building is captioned as a Boom Tube, implying that her initial motivation was opening a portal to Apokolips. There's also a character referred to only as "God", whose visual vaguely resembles that of BvS's Steppenwolf. He's strongly implied to have arrived through the Boom Tube.
All of this seems to imply that at that point in production, SS was supposed to do much more worldbuilding for the DCEU, properly introducing Apokolips and setting up Darkseid for the Justice League. It's still a horrible fit for a Suicide Squad movie, but it does make more sense than whatever the hell Enchantress' motivation was in the final film.
tl;dr: early in production, Suicide Squad was supposed to involve Apokolips, and possibly Steppenwolf.

Submitted October 28, 2016 at 01:20AM by alexshatberg

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