How would you feel about putting the X-Men franchise into the vault until 2022 followed by a hard reboot?
I feel like aside from a couple more Deadpool movies, and a Quicksilver movie followed by a Netflix original series, the X-Men franchise has run its course.
I'm not putting the blame on Singer or Apocalypse or anything really other than the entire franchise has kind of become tedious and the characters aren't exciting anymore. Deadpool and Quicksilver are the only two characters in the entire franchise that hold any interest for me personally, and they aren't enough to prop the whole thing up.
Wolverine wasn't enough to prop the whole thing up from the beginning, but they got as much mileage out of him as possible and now it's time I believe for the whole thing to go into the vault for 5 years and then go full reboot with a whole new cast of actors playing the X-Men.
As far as a new arc to reboot the franchise with? I'd be happy to see Broodfall on the big screen.
Submitted December 26, 2016 at 05:49PM by ate2bugz
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