I feel like Contagion (2011) is the most accurate interpretation of a global panndemic in film. [SPOILERS]
How the people reacted to this disease (infected or not) made me think about how much something like that virus could change our world.
The way the vaccine was distributed around the world made sense (By the way, I would've gotten a vaccine on the first day of the distribution, which I found funny).
The raids of pharmacies and robberies felt so realistic.
Just everything about this movie felt like a documentary. What did you guys think of this movie? I'd really like to know. If you haven't seen it, it's probably in your local Best Buy's bargain bin.
Submitted December 28, 2016 at 06:43AM by SCOOTtheSQUEAKER http://ift.tt/2ioNIQn
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