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/r/movies will be celebrating a very special subreddit this Saturday. See what you can do to join in the fun!

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

So that I don't bury the lead here, here's the gist of this post: this Saturday we will be allowing memes in /r/movies for a 24 hour period, *but only memes that are based off a prequel movie.*

It's crazy what can bring people together. The things that form a bond between us and suddenly little else matters besides a common interest. We see it all the time with movies and movie quotes. Go into a crowd and say "Obviously you're not a golfer" and see how many instant friends you make who can quote The Big Lebowski all day long. It's truly a magical thing.

With that in mind it's always great to see a subreddit harness those powers, and some of us mods have really taken a shining to the latest one. /r/prequelmemes was created just before the new year and already has over 130,000 subscribers. Memes that started in the underbelly of 4chan and /r/me_irl have become mainstream and now everyone knows the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. What a time to be alive.

With all this in mind we thought it might be fun to honor them and all the hard work that goes into advancing the universal language of memes. So this Saturday we will be allowing memes in /r/movies for a 24 hour period, *but only memes that are based off a prequel movie.*

You saw that right. It will be business as usual with news and discussion but with the added bonus of some spicy memes here and there. Sure you can just repost old /r/prequelmemes, but we'd like to encourage you to explore the wonderfully awful world of prequel films in general. As you can see from this list of prequels they don't have a great record as far as quality which I hope will make for some truly dank memes.

So why announce this early? Simple. I want to give everyone time to prepare and join in the fun! Take this week to revisit your favorite prequels, be it Flintstones in Rock Vegas or Dawn Of The War Of The Rise Of The Planet Of the Of. Watch with a critical eye for spicy memes and see what happens! Then on Saturday, go nuts and give us all your dankest memes.

Remember, Saturday is where the fun begins.

Now THIS is prequel meming.

Yours truly, the mods

Submitted March 28, 2017 at 03:55AM by LiteraryBoner

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