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This sub has become terrible for discussions

I don't know if it's always been this way but in the last few months I've noticed more and more how bad this sub reddit actually is:

1) The worst thing: the endless parrotting. If you open any thread you don't see any real discussion anymore. It's just hundreds of rehashed comments that always get posted again and again. Go to any post about Tom Cruise and the top comment will always be “Say what you want about Tom Cruise but the guy is an incredibly commited actor“ in some variation. Im every Planet of the Apes post every second comment says something about how this franchise is so consistent (after 2 movies, okay?). Every post about CGI will have the same “you only notice bad CGI“ comments since that one video about it got posted. This has also nothing to do with many people having the same opinion. It's just lazy karma whoring. I don't know why people feel good about imaginary internet points for rehashed comments that they didn't even create themselves.

2) Advertising. This sub has become one big advertisement and people somehow don't even care. It's incredibly obvious that it's full of shill accounts. Pictures of Mary Poppins Returns somehow skyrocket to the front page in no time on a website that's mostly made up of 20 year old males? Give me a fucking break. And every slightly negative opinion gets downvoted and aggressively attacked.

3) Hivemind. Whenever this sub chose their new favorite movie that they will circlejerk for the next 3 months every negative comment with actual criticism and arguments gets downvoted to hell while shitty low effort comments like “movie was awesome“ and “damn that soundtrack“ get 1000 upvotes. It's ridiculous. People don't come here anymore to discuss, they just want their opinion confirmed.

4) Low effort posts. Some days there are three similar posts at the same time on the front page which are just random movie scenes, always with the same wording: “this scene fron movie x is still one of the most [insert hyperbole here] of all time“

5) hyperbole in general. Redditors seem unable to state their opinion in nuance. Movies are either “the worst of the last 10 years“ or the greatest ever

I mean yes, you could say “then don't go on this sub“ but that's not what I want. I actually want to come here and talk movies. But in the last few weeks it's less and less fun and I think it's valid to criticise some obvious flaws.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 05:27AM by kyrillus

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