The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you saw last week. It doesn't have to be a new release, just any film you have seen over the last seven days that you feel is worth talking about. Here are some rules.
1. Check to see if your favourite film of last week has been posted already. If so, please reply to that comment instead of making a new thread.
2. Please post your favourite film of last week.
4. ALWAYS use spoiler tags. Report any comments that spoil recent / little-known films without using the spoiler tag.
5. Comments that only contain the title of the film will be removed!
Here are some great comments from last week's thread:
I just watched Train to Busan on Netflix yesterday, and it truly is a diamond in a sea of shit. Not only is it an unexpectedly good zombie movie, it's just a great movie all-around. It does have a lot of stock elements like the neglectful father and the asshole businessman, but it breathes a lot of life into its characters. Also, with probably 80% of the action happening inside a moving train, it's a pretty unique setting that we really haven't seen in a zombie film before. Best of all, this movie hits the big checkbox that I've come to demand of all my horror movies these days: I was rooting for the characters to live, not to die. It really felt like everyone was doing all they could to survive and there was really only one bad situation in the entire movie that was caused by somebody being stupid. In fact, it was less being stupid and more "we're in a really big hurry, here." If you like zombie movies, you'll probably love this one. If you're sick of zombies being overdone in movies and TV, this might restore your faith in the subject.
Sleuth (1972). Directed by Joseph Mankiewicz and starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. Both were Oscar nominated. Have you ever heard insults delivered by a Baron? No? Then do yourself a favor and watch this film. Directed by Joe Mankiewicz, it stars Laurence Olivier (said Baron) delivering some of the most artfully constructed insults to a very game Michael Caine. These two are at the peak of their games, even with Olivier in the twilight of his years here. Everything about this movie delivers. The mystery at its core, the two actors playing off each other. The setting (a country estate that becomes another character). It's all glorious. Adapted from a play by Anthony Shaffer, this could easily have gone off the rails given the entire focus is on dialogue and dialogue only. But damn. Two actors like this and you've got a masterclass in how nothing but spoken words can deliver the same punch as an hour-long action setpiece. Enjoy!
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) - I really liked the first one, and i had only seen parts of the second one, so when i saw it playing on TV i decided to sit down and watch the whole thing. It was great, and is easily now among my favorite Dreamworks movies. The characters were very well written. Just like the first movie, Po was a great blend of nerdiness and someone going through a genuine emotional journey. The rest of the Furious Five were good as well, i especially like the emotional connection (not necessarily romantic) that Po and Tigress had. Po's relationship with his father was also much more developed and satisfying than the first film. But the character that stood out most to me was the villain, Lord Shen was fantastic. His motivations and mentality towards the choices he made were very well developed. His character was equal parts egotistic, narcissistic, and unhinged. Dreamworks movies can often be hit or miss when it comes to humor, often times it ends up being immature or too heavily based on pop culture, but the humor really worked in this movie. It was a perfect blend of slapstick and situational humor, and i laughed throughout. There was rarely a joke that didn't work. The plot was very good. It was a great emotional journey for the characters, mixed with a good deal of urgency and tied together with spectacular action sequences. I was actually pretty surprised how willing the movie was to address death. The whole arc of characters acquiring inner peace in the face of overwhelming trials was also very well done. All in all it was a great movie, and easily among Dreamworks best for me.
For further expansion of the rules, please read this link.
Have fun and play nice!
Submitted April 30, 2017 at 10:00PM by GetFreeCash
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