Slide show


Watchmen(2009) has perhaps the best opening montage of any film in terms of scope and quality

Here is the scene for those who haven't seen

I was recently rewatching Watchmen, and I had forgotten how amazing the opening credits were. It tells so many little vignettes through minimal scenes spanning decades, capturing huge amounts of American culture and history from the 40's to the 80's, and introduces easily a dozen characters in a simple and effective way with minimal use of sound, only a few lines of dialogue, an amazing song to accompany the whole thing, and a unifying visual theme of camera flashes.

What could have been done through a boring text crawl or in even more flashbacks than the film already has, was done in 5 enjoyable minutes, and completely set the stage for both an alternate American history, and an alternate super hero history.

Submitted July 26, 2017 at 12:05PM by slightlydirtythroway

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