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I'm super late to the party but Blue Ruin was a fantastic tense unexpected bare bones thriller. I'd go in without even reading the synopsis or watching a trailer.

Yes I saw green room as well actually first and saw the director made another film. I got the Blu Ray from Netflix without even reading the plot synopsis (would recommend because it lays out too much of the film imho). Just a great tense thriller that's totally bare bones.

I love films like this. It had me more on the edge of my seat at the situations unfolding than most anything in recent memory (save for green room which also had that effect).

I also love the directors use of sudden graphic violence mostly what appears to be done practically. It's brutal in realistic way, if you saw green room you probably know what I mean.

Edit: SPOILERS in our discussion, avoid if you wanna go in fresh!

Submitted August 20, 2017 at 09:01PM by PizzaOctopusParty

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