Can we talk about how incredible Master and Commander is?
I'm sure it's been brought up before... but with the demise of IMDB boards I don't have a specific place to talk about it.
The sound effects, the visuals, the performances by the cast, and even the music. Everything just feels like it "comes together" in this movie.
So tell me what aspect small or big do you love most about the movie?
For me the sound design is my favorite aspect. It just draws me in from the creeks of the ship to the booming cannons. A close 2nd is the incredible sense of space of the ship. It really feels like you are on it, and not a set on some water tank sound stage.
Masterpiece is an overused phrase for film - but I honestly think this is a masterpiece of naval warfare films. Incredible.
Submitted September 28, 2017 at 09:22AM by PizzaOctopusParty
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