A discussion: As a non-American, I feel the American "culture war" is making movie reviews (and some movies) no longer fun anymore. Am I alone?
Let me use (in a non-spoilery way) The Last Jedi and the new Ghostbusters as exemples.
In my opinion? These are two ok movies. (With serious, serious flaws in my opinion)
But it seems the discussion around both ignores the movie itself to praise / bash it based on the American Culture wars.
Here's a couple exemple:
If a movie has the "evil fat cat" trope that has existed in stories since ANCIENT GREECE, it seems the discussion about the movie revolves around leftists praising it for being "progressive", while Conservatives bash it as "class warfare".
If a movie happens to have a women in any kind of command role (negative role or positive) that isn't in any way, shape or form changed by having someone with or without a penis playing it; leftists flood the web with "I love this progressive movie, feminism rules", while conservatives complain about the movie being "preachy".
It makes it seem like half the American movie public force themselves to LOVE average movies for political reason. While the other half force themselves to HATE average movies for political reason.
It's crazy. Just look at some articles about The Last Jedi:
(I especially loathe the title "'The Last Jedi’ Is the Most Intellectual ‘Star Wars’ Movie". It's laughable.)
Am I the only non-American that is sick and tired of the crazy american culture wars telling me storytelling tropes literally as old as times must now be loved/hated for political reasons?
Can we still enjoy movies on their own merit anymore without making up political motives for them?
A final proof americans have gone crazy:
Now Paw Patrol and Thomas the train are "facists". So leftists should hate them. That's crazy in my opinion, complete madness.
Submitted December 25, 2017 at 12:19AM by Acesolid http://ift.tt/2D7Lgaa
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