the movie IN TIME figured a way that characters in the series could get extra time possibly indefinitely
so after watching In-Time for the billionth time, i realized something very important. there is a critical time in the movie that shows that there is a point in which for a few moments said person doesn't lose a single second to the 'count down". the count down is obviously me referring to the clock counting down until it reaches Zero. this critical time is when two individuals are having a Strong arm fight over the other individuals Time. when this occurs two people lock arms and essentially time wrestle for a few moments the time on each of the competitors clocks are transferring back and forth and back and forth, while time goes from one person it is 100% gained by the other and visa a versa, there is no loss of time during the transfer.
the reason this is an important factor in each person getting extra time for FREE, is simple if the two individuals are to continue this action for say 1 hour, in that hour they would have transferred time back and forth, one loses while the other wins, but as i already stated above, there is no loss of time in the transfer meaning for that 1 hour if absolutely no wasted time occurs IE if the time transferred is instantly stolen back, the two individuals would have been fighting over there time for an hour and in that hour absolutely no time would have been wasted and as such both parties would have gained 1 extra hour for FREE..
so lets say said 2 individuals get off work, they each have 5 hours of time on their clocks, they miss the buss and have to walk home(they live next door to each other) what do they do? they walk but there house is 2 and a half hours a way by walking. how do they do this trip without wasting 2 and a half hours, easily they grasp arms and do the tug-0-war for 2 and a half hours, when they get home they still each have 5 hours on their clocks.
now how does this mean they could potentially gain extra time indefinitely? well you see in the movie there are these nifty devises that various people carry around with them, to store extra time. these devises act in the same way, one can transfer their time to the devise in doing so they lose absolutely no time in the transfer. so if a person could take that same devise and modify it into a bracelet, when they put the new time storage bracelet on their wrists, the new storage devise could act in a similar fashion, taking time from the persons clock and giving it back instantly in a tug-o-war fashion IE no time is lost and essentially nullifying the count-down. IE an immortal person
Submitted December 30, 2017 at 08:34PM by randell1985
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