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It would seem Avengers: Infinity War premiered tonight in full for the first time. Between now and this weekend, the internet may be dark and full of spoilers. Here's some nifty tips on how to avoid spoielrs on reddit. Easy mode: Stay off reddit.

Here it is, the week some people have been waiting for for decades. Thanos is gonna flop that gauntlet on the table like his big purple dick and make all the Avengers look at its glory. Usually we only do these kinds of threads for Star Wars but it's obvious how large Marvel has gotten since Tony Stark vowed to avenge a scientist he met in a cave. So, here are some simple reminders for the average user looking to avoid spoilers on the internet but without the willpower to stay off the internet altogether, and also some reminders in general about how we as moderators define spoilers and how we try and keep them contained.

And, before we get started, let me remind you that we didn't make up these rules for Marvel or Star Wars and we aren't interested in arguing with you about your definition of a spoiler or how long is an acceptable time to spoil things for people. These rules have been around a long time and they are based in general decency and logic so if you don't agree with them that's just too bad.

  • Obviously spoilers are part of film discussion. They can be unavoidable in open ended question threads like, "Best Character Death" or something. There's just no way to avoid them unless everyone is walking on eggshells all the time. That said, intentionally spoiling things for other redditors or posting spoilers before a film's release or even after a film's release in unrelated threads will get you banned from /r/movies. If the spoiling looks especially malicious or intentional then we will not entertain appeals.

  • If you intend to make a post containing spoilers, there is a spoiler feature that allows you to mask your post even to those who have clicked on it until they confirm they want to see the spoilers. The option is available to you when you post something. Check out the sidebar for details.

  • If you intend to post a comment with spoilers, there's a way to Hide your text for those who don't want to stumble upon it. It even looks much more sleek now. Instructions for this are also in the sidebar. Use this liberally and without shame.

  • The admins have also added the ability to filter certain subreddits from /r/all. Simply go to /r/all and the option is at the top of the sidebar. It might behoove you to filter /r/4chan who were flairing posts with Star Wars spoilers when TFA came out so they would show up on /r/all. /r/marvelstudios might be worth filtering as well if you really don't want the chance to run into spoilers.

  • If you have RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) you also have to ability to filter posts by key phrase. You can set it so that any posts involving character names, movie titles, key terms, etc. simply don't show up on your page. Pretty sure this does not hide comments, just entire posts with those keywords in the title/body.

  • If you do see a spoiler (even the most careful people could stumble upon something) be sure to report it! You can send us a message to modmail if it's really visible, but usually a report will do.

Here is some stuff about this specific release-

  • The Infinity War discussion thread will be treated just like all other discussion threads. There will be one on Thursday at 7pm PST and it will remained stickied throughout the weekend and then a link will be in the header for what will most likely be a long time. With TLJ we actually had to make a new thread a month later because the original one got too many comments for reddit to handle (didn't even know that was possible tbh) but I doubt that will be the case here. TLJ was extremely polarizing.

  • We will be removing personal reviews before the discussion thread. Sometimes we let these slide for smaller movies but technically they aren't allowed and we usually remove them once the discussion thread is out (since that's what the discussion thread is for, to keep discussion contained) but we will be removing these hard as they will just be breeding grounds for spoilers. Same with articles and reviews. There will be a review megathread once they drop (Tuesday 3pm PST last I heard) as we usually do for big films, and if an article doesn't qualify as news then it will be subject to removal. Really nothing new here just a heads up we will be holding ourselves to these rules extra hard this week.

Finally, this thread is going to be locked. Why, you ask? When Force Awakens was about to come out we got overrun by PSA posts. They were well-intentioned. Letting people know where spoilers are popping up, how to avoid them, etc. Because of their helpful nature they would front page all the time. The problem is that people who intentionally spoil things on the internet for fun see a post like that and they see a giant breeding ground for people who are sensitive to spoilers but don't have the self control to take the full measure and avoid the internet. This is where they strike, those posts did more harm than good considering a lot of them were pointing out a very specific issue so people who would have never been affected by the spoilers being brought to the table would then be affected by participating in the threads. Those threads became giant shit shows when they hit the front page of /r/all and we ended up having to remove/lock half of them anyways. Simply put, if you are trying to avoid spoiler trolls the best way to do so is to not check places they might comment or in this case, not give them the chance to do so.

So, that's it. Just some tips from your helpful neighborhood movie mods. If you have any questions regarding this thread or the tips within it, feel free to message us in modmail.

Happy Avengers April and remember, enjoy movies responsibly.

Yours truly,


Submitted April 24, 2018 at 02:20PM by LiteraryBoner

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