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What films have you ruined for yourself and how? (Possible spoilers)

I used to love Kill Bill Vol 1, that is until I watched it on New Year’s Day when I was hungover and on a pretty bad comedown.

The film was ruined for me. All the little directorial quirks and homages that I’d previously adored came across as overly smug and annoying.

The soundtrack started to really grate on me, and the excessive gore (which I’m always a fan of) made me feel a little nauseous.

To this day, I can’t watch it anymore without feeling intensely irritable, and I can never finish it anymore, which makes me sad.

What good or well liked films that you previously loved have you ruined for yourself (or have been ruined for you by others) ??

Remember to tag your spoilers if they’re relevant.

Submitted August 25, 2018 at 09:28PM by Smoothmoose13

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