Movie Theaters Skipping Credits Entirely?
Today I went to see Into the Spider-Verse with my brother. We thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and were looking forward to the credits - I had heard that the credit sequence was pretty cool visually, and that there was a fun post-credits scene.
We were very disappointed when the theater cut the movie off within seconds of the credits rolling.
I spoke with an employee at the theater, and were told that it was theater policy to skip the credits for movies - they wanted to fit one more showing in each day, and the time slots at the theater are ~2 hrs each. Into the Spider-Verse is a little over 2 hrs with the credits, so it got cut short.
This just seems wrong to me. All of those animators, the whole cast, production team, etc... they just get no recognition. Admittedly, I'm unfamiliar with the rules that theaters have to abide by when they show feature films - is this kind of thing allowed? I imagined that Sony Pictures, and other studios, would require that the credits were shown along with the movie, but I could be totally off base. Anyone else have experience with this?
Submitted December 24, 2018 at 05:27AM by HugeAlps
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