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Zodiac (2007) received zero Oscar, Golden Globe, and Critic’s Choice nominations but is still one of the best films of the 21st century, in my opinion.

David Fincher is a master when it comes to thrillers and mysteries (Gone Girl, Se7en, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). Robert Downey, Mark Ruffalo, and Jake Gyllenhaal were all great in this. As with all Fincher movies, the editing was superb. There’s really no major flaws I can find, although I could nitpick and find some. I’d still say Se7en is Fincher’s best, but Zodiac is right up there with it. The scariest thing about Zodiac is the fact that it’s based off true events and persons. Definitely a thrill ride. It’s currently on Netflix, so I recommend watching it if you like a good murder mystery.

Edit: Removed the mistake regarding The Hurt Locker.

Submitted June 22, 2019 at 12:15AM by applesaucys

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