I’m Phil Brooks aka: CM Punk, former WWE wrestler and my first movie GIRL ON THE THIRD FLOOR is out 10/25. AMA!
UPDATE: I had a great time answering your questions today, but I've got to go for now. I'm sorry couldn't get to more - my Wifi kept zonking out. Don't forget to check out Girl on the Third Floor!
I’m Phil Brooks. You might know me as CM Punk from my days with WWE. I'm in a kick-ass horror movie called Girl on the Third Floor directed Travis Stevens (We Are Still Here, Cheap Thrills). The film comes out in select theaters and on digital VOD 10/25 from Dark Sky Films. You can check out the trailer here.
Here’s the proof: https://i.redd.it/afmft4xv1rs31.jpg
Submitted October 17, 2019 at 11:19PM by Phil-CMPunk-Brooks https://ift.tt/33KCkVP
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