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Bad Boys For Life (2020) somehow has an early 81% on RottenTomatoes


A pretty shoot-by-numbers affair, beyond the mild kick of acknowledging that the central duo are getting a bit old for this sort of thing.


Both an amusing throwback and a tired retread.

Chicago Tribune

Its mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a jaded 2019 audience glad to see these guys again. The movie's not the point. The boys are the point.


Overall, Bad Boys for Life is probably a wash, but it ends so well that I now find myself not entirely opposed to the idea of a fourth Bad Boys entry. Whatcha gonna do?

Hollywood Reporter

Decisively the best of the trio; it actually has a heart, or what passes for one in a gigantic, slam-bang industrial enterprise like this.

Entertainment Weekly

Banter and bullets is the action-movie MO, and the duo at the center of it hardly seem to have to stretch to spread their bickering charm on thick.

USA Today

A retro affair tailor-made for those who adored the action movies of the 1990s.


Will Smith and Martin Lawrence bring their A game, never letting us feel like they're going through the motions. The marks may be standard issue, but they hit them with with fury and flair.


While Bad Boys for Life has a completely asinine story, generic action, predictable plot beats, moronic dialogue and truly reprehensible politics, I still had a good time.


The film may leave you wondering what purpose this franchise serves if not to give expression to Michael Bay's nationalist, racist, and misogynistic instincts.

Submitted January 16, 2020 at 12:12AM by matlockga

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