Adam Sandler's 'Blended' is actually quite charming.
Blended is one of my wife's favorites so I've seen it a dozen times and always went into it thinking "it's just another stupid Adam Sandler movie" and while it certainly is that and suffers from Sandler's typical type of toilet humor, there is something quite charming about this one. Perhaps it's the good luck of Drew Barrymore, I mean who doesn't love Wedding singer or 50 first dates?
To me, the real charm, however, is Sandler's character with his daughters in the film. His performance shows actual compassion towards his daughters, all of the different ages trying to cope with the loss of their mother.
I was shocked to see this film on Rotton Tomatoes at 14%. It's not great, and I wouldn't give it over 60%, but that seems super low.
Submitted March 21, 2020 at 08:01PM by BallClamps
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