Is 1990 the year of subversive cult classic sequels: Gremlins 2 / Predator 2 / RoboCop 2?
Is there another year that saw the release of sequels to classics which were initially received lukewarm but later gained cult following due to their subversive nature?
Gremlins 2: On surface level, this film is basically doing the same thing from the first but on a bigger scale. But underneath it, Joe Dante who initially didn't want to make this film decided to mock every single aspect of the first film and sequels in general. He didn't go full out-of-control goofy and deftly rode the line. The satirical nature of the "smart technology" building with cable TV stations which had different channels for very specific things was laughable when the movie was released, but looking back it isn't satire anymore, it actually exists. Apart from parodying Trump (Clamp), Gremlins 2 had great sequences with the Gremlins. The designs alone are so preposterous, I'd recommend everyone to see the Key and Peele sketch about it.
Predator 2: Filmmakers had the balls to turn the entire premise of the original and place it the concrete jungle which has a satirical nature of RoboCop in the media report segments (HardCore) and in mid of a huge drug war. In place of the muscle bound spec-ops team in war setting, we get a detective setting with Danny Glover going against his character type as Riggs (instead of Murtaugh), the legendary Bill Paxton and the immeasurable Gary Busey owning scenes left and right. The writers/directors had the sense to keep the hunter as a hunter, no bullshit about teaming up with humans. This film has it's own identity and look which is incredible for a sequel not to mention the last act having a nice turn around of the 'hunted' plot from 1st one where Hartigan is hunting the Pred instead of the other way around.
RoboCop 2: A film that's secretly about watering down the concept of RoboCop. After the success of original RoboCop, the studio sold the merchandising rights which allowed toy companies to produce and market toys squarely at an audience which hasn't seen the original. After commissioning an animated series (for kids), RoboCop 2 writer/directors decided to take a cheeky stab at the people who were taking an ultra-violent concept and forcing it down a sanitized path (RoboCop's new directives in place) to show how utterly boring a family-friendly RoboCop can be. On top of that creators of Robocop 2 made a scene about copies of RoboCop killing themselves because they are not RoboCop.
All three films felt like the makers were all on coke. And releasing it all in 1990. I'm surprised that year didn't implode from the sheer audacity of these sequels. For what it's worth, you can not make these types of sequels now, let alone movies. Any other year apart from 1990 that had this kinds of insane sequels?
Submitted September 20, 2020 at 06:24PM by ShotgunRon
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